Buy a working private cheat Soft HUB for the game Rogue Company

We present to your attention one of the few working private cheats for the Rogue Company shooter. The game is not very popular among users. But at the same time, the Soft HUB developers were interested. The game has a strong anti-cheat EAC. The programmers used the experience of creating cheats from other projects and easily made software for the Rogue Company. Every month, approximately 75 people use the software and regularly renew it. The cheat was equipped with all the necessary features that will help you dominate and defeat the enemy. You can highlight 2D boxes, skeletons, names, lines, direction of view, enemy health bar. Draw the dropped weapon. Naturally, it was not without the aim bot function. With its help, the cursor of your mouse will be directed exactly at the enemy. It remains only to pull the trigger and fire. In order to make the enemies upset and offended at you as much as possible, the developers of the Soft HUB private cheat built in the ability to turn off the spread of weapons, removed reloading and equipped with an auto-mod (the ability to fire from a sniper rifle like from a machine gun). To analyze the situation around you - turn on the radar. On the mini map will display the location of all rivals.

Private cheat Soft HUB for the game Rogue Company is regularly updated and kept up to date. Minimal chance of blocking and easy launch.

Soft HUB private cheat system requirements for Rogue Company

Works on Windows 10 (2004-22H2 build) and 11.

Processors: Intel and AMD.

Works on Epic Games and Steam.

For the cheat to work, you need a flash drive, or use the virtual analogue of OSFMount.

The program is superimposed on top of the game client, which makes it possible to stream with a cheat and bypass OBS.

You can buy a private Soft HUB cheat for Rogue Company online on our website

Soft HUB private cheat functionality for Rogue Company game


  • Activate
  • Select a bone
  • Change the radius of the aim angle
  • Change the aiming speed
  • Draw a circle of the aim operation


  • 2D Boxes
  • Skeletons
  • Names
  • Lines
  • Gaze Direction
  • Health Bar
  • Team Check
  • Draw dropped weapons


  • No scatter
  • No reload
  • Automatic mode (shooting from snipers and pistols as from a machine gun)
  • Endless ammo


2D Radar:

  • Activate
  • Display distance on the radar
Private cheat Soft HUB for the game Rogue Company

After payment, you will receive detailed instructions for activating, launching and using the program. Which will be sent to you by mail, specified before payment.

There you can also find a download link and the necessary components for the program to work.

In any game with any cheat, it is possible to get an account blocking. Play as carefully as possible.

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